Alphonso Davies reveals the depression he suffers from as a professional footballer: ‘I don’t have a family and my girlfriend doesn’t live with me, I’m alone’

Lots of strength! Alphonse Davies he is one of the footballers recognized For global level. However, to the surprise of his fans, the captain of the Canadian team revealed that he hadn’t been feeling emotionally well for months. The popular Phonzie he confessed to feeling onlysince his family don’t live in town.

not having a good time

In one of his streams on his Twitch channel, Alphonse Davies decided to show sincere in front of your audience. He provided details of the bad time he is currently living in Munich. Despite the victory of a millionaire salary as a footballer bavarian paintingthe North American player confessed he felt losing in the life.

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“It’s a bit worrying not having something to do, especially when all your friends have jobβ€œ, mentioned the footballer Bayern. ” The life of professional footballer It’s good to relax and enjoy, but the difficulty It is that after training there is nothing to do, ”he explained. Davies.

absent family

The current left-back canadian national team saddened thousands of his supporters by admitting that the absence of its parents demotivates him every day. “Of course not I have family and me bride He doesn’t live with me, I’m alone. I probably like five friends. I am a popular loserβ€œ, assured the Canadian of Ghanaian origin.

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The harsh confession of Alphonse Davies It’s a nice demonstration that money doesn’t always make you happy. The absence of the loved ones of the footballer generate enormous loneliness, which he could not face because of the lack of friends. Beyond succeeding in being considered a elite playerthe Canadian did not hobby during their free time.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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