Alexis Sánchez destroyed Conmebol by refereeing in the Chile vs. Canada match and pointed out that they were also hurt against Peru: “They have to learn from Europe”

The forward was outraged by Colombian Roldán's refereeing against Canada. (Video: DIRECTV)

Pepper was eliminated from the Copa America 2024 after drawing 0-0 with Canada and finishing third in Group B with 2 points. After the match, Alexis Sanchez He criticized Conmebol for Wilmar Roldán's refereeing, arguing that he had hurt them with the expulsion of Gabriel Suazo. In addition, he pointed out that this is not the first time this has happened, mentioning that Wilton Sampaio had also affected them in the first meeting, when they tied 0-0 with Peru.

“Hot about the evictions, there have been several, this is not the first time this has happened to us. I think that Conmebol must learn a little from what exists in Europe in terms of refereeing. It is not an excuse, but it is hot because the match against Peru was also the same, it has already been done twice” he said on DIRECTV.

Controversial steps in Chile-Canada

According to him, the offence committed by the Toulouse right-back does not deserve the second yellow card, because Richie Laryéathe footballer who received the push, was not going directly towards the goal, but towards the side, and there were still other defenders with the possibility of stealing the ball from him:

“With one less, it's complicated. I'm starting hot because with a sending off, we found ourselves with one man less and that messed us up the whole match. It was frustrating because we had trained well, with many changes of players who did very well. It's not an excuse for the refereeing, but It wasn't a sending off, there were two players before, the ball went out” he said.

Chile tied scoreless with Canada, out of 2024 Copa America – Match Highlights

Likewise, he stated that the Colombian judge did not transmit the serenity or calm necessary to meet these characteristics and that, on the contrary, he influenced many debates and conflicts. He even revealed that they had previously warned him to lead well, since on previous occasions he had already hurt them:

“I told the referee before that I couldn't see well, calmly. He was the main person responsible for the calm, the game looked like a fight, everyone was fighting and that had to be seen by the referee on the pitch. This is not the first time this has happened with this referee, it has happened several times, we have already told him to referee well” he expressed.

Alexis Sánchez destroyed Conmebol by refereeing in the Chile vs. Canada match and pointed out that they were also hurt against Peru: “They have to learn from Europe”

Finally, he analyzed the main problem of the Chilean team, which is the lack of offensive generation, since it has not managed to score goals in its three Copa America games, and stressed that not everything is negative, since new players have been seen who serve the real objective of qualifying for the World Cup:

“I think there was a lack of connection at the top. Get to know each other a little more, but in football you don't have time, it's a matter of decision and that will be useful for the tie, as Gareca said at the beginning. It's moving forward. The goal of this Copa América was to see new faces, new players. The professor made many changes and they went in the best way. When you put on the national team jersey, it's something beautiful. I apologize to the Chilean people, because we wanted to go through against an opponent with whom, despite having one point less, we had the ball and were able to do something more,” he concluded.

Alexis Sanchez He referred to Wilton Sampaio's refereeing in the 0-0 draw against Peru. In that match there was no very controversial or scandalous play, but, in his opinion, it won all the divisions in favor of Jorge Fossati's team. “Not to mention the referee. The truth is that they pushed the Peruvians and everything was in their favor,” he commented.

Mona Watkins

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