A group of hackers takes control of an inoperative Canadian satellite to “have a little fun”

Karl Koscher, a member of the hacker group “Shadytel”, was at a conference on hacking and cybersecurity in Las Vegas to share his knowledge on the subject. According to the expert, someone with your experience could ruin an entire country with a computer if they put their mind to iteven though it was not in his plans.

The new technology professional obviously did not demonstrate these abilities, but he did show that he could hack a satellite with the rest of his team. Specifically, they breached the security of the Canadian satellite Anik F1R, which continues to orbit the Earth despite having ceased to be operational in 2020.

Although the satellite is not currently used, it should not be forgotten that young people the Pirates they managed to take control of it from miles away. Shadytel members have successfully reproduced content within Anik F1R, among others.

Koscher said in an interview for Motherlode of the vice that their group’s intention was to “have a little fun”: “We had the opportunity to use a satellite that was being decommissioned and access its systems, being able to broadcast our own content there.”

Said content was the conferences that the hacker group itself had given last year at ToorCon (San Diego). They also aired classic hacker movies, like WarGames.

In addition to this, Shadytel activated a telephone so that it could transmit Koscher’s voice into space through the comms system of the satellite Canadian.

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Shawn Jacobs

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