The governor-elect of São Paulo will insist on the privatization of the port authority


The governor-elect of São Paulo will insist on the privatization of the port authority

The governor-elect of São Paulo, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, will try to convince the president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to go ahead with the privatization of the Port Authority of Santos (SPA), administrator of the largest port in the Brazil (pictured).

Gomes de Freitas, who was infrastructure minister in the Bolsonaro administration, wants to demonstrate how privatization would boost investment and create jobs, an adviser to the governor-elect who requested anonymity told BNamericas.

As infrastructure minister, Gomes de Freitas promoted a program of concessions and privatization that also included ports. The outgoing government privatized the port authorities to stimulate investment.

The 35-year contract for SPA includes dredging works and the construction of an $818 million undersea tunnel between the cities of Santos and Guarujá.

Gomes de Freitas’ decision comes after new Ports and Airports Minister Márcio França, who will take office on January 1, promised that the new government would respect the privatization of Espírito Santo’s port authority, Codesa, but would not advance in similar operations.

“Port authorities will continue to be Crown corporations. What we are going to do is offer concessions for areas inside ports for private terminals,” França told reporters after his appointment was made public.

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Trix Barber

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