The government of Peru asks AMLO to stop referring to its country

EFE.- Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Otárola today asked Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to ‘stop referring to Peru’, hours after the president said the Andean country’s executive was ‘strongly interrogated” for “having opted for repression”. “.

“We call on Mr. López to stop referring to Peru, because we have managed with great effort to bring our country to peace and we are not going to allow people who have no connection with the government Peruvians to demonstrate, causing relentless interference in the affairs of Peru,” Otárola said at a press conference.

In this sense, he pointed out that the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs “carried out this process” with Mexico and regretted that “a brother country” with which it has had “historical and cultural ties for many years” has reached to a state he described as “regrettable”.

In Otárola’s opinion, this situation is due “to Mr. López” and he expressed confidence that this situation “has subsided”.

Read: Mexico will maintain relations with Peru: AMLO

López Obrador said today in his daily press conference that the Peruvian executive is “strongly questioned as a whole for its behavior, in particular for having opted for repression and not seeking a solution to the conflict in Peru by the dialogue and with the democratic method of elections called as soon as possible to avoid a situation of political instability”.

The Mexican president considered that this instability affects “fundamentally the brotherly people of Peru”.

“We know very well how to distinguish what the Peruvian people are, a sister nation, and the attitude of the so-called political class, of the economic and political power groups in Peru, who are the ones who have maintained this crisis in this countries for their personal ambitions, their economic interests,” he said.

Do not get lost: The family of former Peruvian president Pedro Castillo arrives in Mexico with asylum

Yesterday Tuesday, the Peruvian executive said persona non grata Mexico’s ambassador to Peru, Pablo Monroy, and gave him 72 hours to leave the Andean country in response to “interference” they consider to have been carried out by Mexican “high authorities”.

“I report that the Government of Peru has declared the Mexican Ambassador to Peru, Pablo Monroy, persona non grata, due to repeated statements by the highest authorities of that country (…) which constitute interference in our internal affairs and are in violation of the principle of non-intervention,” Foreign Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi said yesterday.

López Obrador regretted this decision by the Peruvian government, but announced that he had decided “not to break off relations”.

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Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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