Bye giant helicopter: the Chinook left after dumping more than a million liters to stop ecocide

Minutes before 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, Civil Defense Director Fabio Giovanettoni said: “The big helicopter activity is over. Today he fired 75 rounds. Tomorrow he will withdraw to the south at the request of the region of El Bolsón”.

In just 48 hours, the plane hired by the Ministry of the Environment on December 22, 2022 to operate in Argentine territory from a Canadian company managed to work on two of the main sources that affect the delta of Buenos Aires and d ‘Between Ríos and reach another located further away which was still active at the height of Campana.

The crew and personnel trained in these operations have 120 days to intervene in all areas where they are required, as the contract stipulates.

At 6:00 a.m., official vehicles of the National Fire Management Service transferred the crew from Zárate to San Pedro for an air withdrawal to the base in the province of Neuquén.

From this Wednesday, the operational base of the Command which works in the area was located at the Aeroclub because security specialists agreed that the Stadium was an extremely risky place to continue to operate in permanent overflights above densely populated places. .

The seaplane, a helicopter and the members of the brigade will be available. Local volunteer firefighters are resting this week and will be able to join in if the fire is reignited.

“The whole national structure, from Entre Ríos and local, continues here”, explained the head of Civil Defense and explained that there are 17 agents dependent on the Nation, 12 from Entre Ríos, the pilot and his assistant plus any local human resources that can be provided. .

There are hopes placed on the rainfall forecast for the rest of the week and new maps that this media will publish to compare current and previous to check the effectiveness of intense and special work in the last 48 hours .

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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