Why England failed to export football’s popularity to some of its colonies (but it did to Latin America and Europe)

  • Writing
  • BBC News World

image sources, Getty


Although it was played in various colonies of the British Empire, football did not achieve as much popularity as elsewhere.

Football is the most popular sport on the planet.

It is a sport that was basically born in a pub in England in 1863, when some gentlemen decided to establish rules for a game that was already practiced regularly in this country, with the idea of ​​differentiating it from another very popular game: rugby. .

The truth is that in less than four decades, football was already present in several countries of the world.

And this spread had among its reasons that football was born in the most powerful power on the planet at that time: the British Empire, which controlled vast territories around the world.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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