Canada seeks professionals in Mexico and Latin America

There is currently a labor shortage in Canada. The causes are diverse, ranging from the fact that more and more Canadian citizens leave their jobs to the change of residence of a large part of the economically active population, leaving thousands of vacancies to be filled.

This phenomenon has increased dramatically over the past year, leading companies to look for ways to fill these positions with international students graduating with postgraduate or specialty degrees from Canadian schools.

This is the case of Paola Cervantes, a Mexican student who graduated from the MBA program taught by the University of Canada West (UCW) in the city of Vancouver and who is currently a credit risk management analyst at BCI.

“I had the opportunity to join UCW in early 2020 and despite the difficulties of the pandemic, I have always felt the support of the university to grow professionally and personally. I am passionate about numbers and finance, so i decided to major in finance where i had great teachers who always brought real life scenarios to class.a month after graduating i was able to get a job at BCI (British Columbia Investment Management Corporation) as a credit risk management analyst and relocate to the city of Victoria indefinitely,” says Paola Cervantes.

This is how educational institutions in Canada play a fundamental role in the context of work, not only by preparing professionals so that they have the knowledge and tools necessary to fill available positions, but also by guiding them. in their integration into the Canadian workforce with all that that entails.

“As an institution of higher education, we are committed to providing our students with opportunities to grow professionally and improve their quality of life through our specialized master’s and bachelor’s degree programs in business. 97% of our graduates get jobs within 12 months or even from the time they graduate,” says Michelle Cripps, UCW Associate Director for LATAM and the Caribbean.

Opportunities for Mexico and Latin America

In the past month, 32,000 new jobs have been created in the province of British Columbia and the unemployment rate is the lowest on record at 3.4%. In this context, opportunities arise for Mexican students and those from other parts of the world.

The fastest growing industries are hospitality, education, finance, science, technology, and real estate.

Publicize the educational offer and employment opportunities that international students can access at UCW, On Thursday, November 17, a panel titled “Canada needs talent. UCW opens the doors to you”, in which students and teachers will share their experiences and learnings for anyone interested in the subject.

if you want to participate click on this link save.

Canada Use University studies Latin America Mexico

The editorial team of, which for more than 27 years has been working to promote entrepreneurship.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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