6 programs a Mexican can work and live with in Canada in 2024

Canada It is one of the countries that best welcomes immigrants. In fact, he has programs to recruit foreign talent with the seductive proposal to open a path to the permanent residence.

There are also temporary work programs, in particular for agricultural workers and trades people. Depending on the company, they have the option of returning.

The Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced that the government intends to receive 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, mainly through economic immigration programs such as the Provincial Nominee Program, federal high qualification programs, federal economic public policies, economic pilots: natural caregivers, skilled workers and Quebec companies, and Atlantic Immigration Program.

Mexicans can participate in the recruitment processes of different programs to work and live in canada temporarily or permanently. Take note of some and wait for the calls.

1) Offers to the National Employment Service

The Mexican government has an alliance to send workers to Canada. The variety of offers is wide and covers different sectors: farmers can apply, weldersmechanics, laboratory workers and professionals, such as accountants.

Enter the page of Job Portal (here) to track vacancies. There might not be any for a while, but keep entering to find out when they’re already released. Employers often pay for travel and some for accommodation for temporary stays.

2) Work in the field with PTAT

The Mexican government has the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (PTAT) which allows its citizens work temporarily in Canada.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is the only one that recruits, selects and assigns workers in the POAT. Work stays last up to eight months, but registration is renewable. You can work in fields where fruits, vegetables, tobacco are grown or in greenhouses.

Ask for reports and register at the offices of the National Employment Service that it has throughout the country. Given CLICK HERE to select your state and the office closest to your home. They will let you know when the recruitment period is and when the day laborers in canada.

The authorities explain that “the Consulate General of Mexico in Montreal has a toll-free number for agricultural workers at 1-888-403-9055 (from Canada) during office hours and the following emergency number: 514 910 2502”.

By calling the consulate, they can give you reports, but they are not authorized to grant the jobs. To obtain it, you must go to an office of the National Employment System.


Be a farmer, day laborer or your current occupation is related to agriculture.

Be between 22 and 45 years old.

Know how to read, have a minimum education of the third year of primary school and a maximum of the first year of high school.

Be a man or a woman, preferably with children and family.

Singles who demonstrate having economic dependents.

Live in a rural area.

3) Call to live and work in Canada

Quebec Internationalthe economic development agency of Quebec and its surroundings, launches an appeal to all foreigners interested in living and working on their territory.

Through the program Quebec World Daysseek to promote the economic development of the region by attracting foreign talent. This initiative is supported by the Government of Canada.

To apply, interested persons must create a profile, identify vacancies that interest them and submit their application when issuing calls. The best thing about Journées Québec Monde is that the call is not limited to professionals with a university degree, there are vacancies to work in hotelsin manufacturing plants, as transporters and mechanics.

4) Express Entry

express entry is a system for managing applications and applications for work and permanent residence in Canada.

Highly qualified foreigners can apply to work in a Canadian affiliate. If you don’t have a job offer yet, you can start your job search on Job Match with Job Bank.

Interested persons should create a profile on this page to upload your CV, language tests and educational assessments.

Electronically, it will be determined whether the candidate meets the requirements of one of the following work programs:

1) Federal Skilled Worker Program.

2) Federal Skilled Trades Program.

3) Canadian Experience Class.

4) Provincial Nominee Program

Those who pass the filter are placed in the express entry pool or “candidate pool” and are assigned a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score based on their skills, work experience, language abilityeducation and any other details.

More points are scored by those who speak French or English, have a close relative living in Canada or already have a valid job offer in the country.

5) NC

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a program that accepts foreign workers who have the skills, education and work experience necessary to contribute to the economy of their province, with the exception of Quebec.

Students, business specialists, entrepreneurs, skilled or semi-skilled workers can register.

It is important to note that each province has specific requirements to participate in the program and subsequently complete a permanent residence procedure for live legally in Canada.

“You may need to apply through the paper process or through the online process through Express Entry,” says the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

Given Click here to see how to submit a paper or online application.

6) Start-up Visa

Canada opens its border to entrepreneurs with the Start-up visa programaimed at immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to start businesses in their country.

The main requirement is that your business is innovative and profitable enough to create jobs for Canadian citizens. Applies to all provinces of canadaexcept for Quebec.

To apply for the StartUp Visa, your company or business must obtain support from one or more of the designated bodies:

1) Venture capital funds

2) Angel investor groups

3) Business incubators

These organizations give their agreement to invest or support these foreign companies. Each has its own admissions and assessment process.

“If an organization decides to review your business idea, they will assess the potential of your proposal and determine whether or not it will be successful. If an organization chooses to support your business idea, they will provide you with a letter of support,” explains the Canadian government.

With this letter, you can apply, but it is also necessary to meet the language requirements and have enough money to settle and live in Canada before earning money with your business.

Trix Barber

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