Symptoms of rigid person syndrome from which Celine Dion suffers

A few days ago, music received some bad news. The singer Celine Dion announced that she suffered from a neurological disease, the one known as stiff person syndrome, a rare, incurable disease from which only one person in a million suffers. This forced the singer, who He has not given concerts since 2019, to cancel his tour for next year after several delays caused by the pandemic and other health issues. The 54-year-old Canadian told it through a video on her social media, where she said “the spasms affect every aspect of my life, sometimes they even make it difficult for me to walk and they don’t allow me to use my vocal cords like before.

Celine Dion tearfully announces she has stiffness syndrome and cancels her tour

The artist explained that she is surrounded by a good medical team and that she has the support of her family in the face of this problem which complicates her career. “All I know how to do, what I have done in my life and what I love the most is sing,” he said of how this illness cut short the next stages of his musical career. What exactly is stiff person syndrome? What symptoms does it cause? How can it be treated?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in the United States, the characteristic symptom of the disease is muscle rigidity in the torso and extremities, as well as a much greater sensitivity to certain stimuli such as noise or anxietycan cause muscle spasms. This rigidity usually causes people who suffer from it to adopt hunched postures which are not the most appropriate.

Women are the most affected, since they are subjected to them twice as much as men. In this way, it can lead to difficulty when moving or walking, or even a certain discretion, since outside noises can trigger spasms or cause frequent falls. For this reason, concerts are not the best current environment for the artist given the amount of external stimuli that can affect his health.

Its causes are still unknown, being associated with the fact that it is an autoimmune disease which, for the moment,It has no type of remedy. However, despite this, there are different treatments and medications that improve or lessen symptoms of the disease which forced Celine Dion to stop dead in her career for the moment.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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