Canadian soldiers will be able to wear skirts, earrings, long hair and eyelash extensions

They will also be able to dye their hair bright colors, get face tattoos, wear piercings and have long fingernails.

As part of its diversity and inclusion policy, the Canadian Armed Forces has released a set of changes to its dress code, which among other things allows tattooing on the face, beard and men with skirts

The decision to update the rules “was not taken lightly” but had been under discussion for “a long time” with input from various advisory and military groups, the document said.

Francis Legare and Corey Vautour, two Canadian soldiers and their kiss that made history, October 4, 2016.

“The bottom line is that the dress instructions for the Canadian Forces are about 50 years old, so the policy as a whole needed to be reviewed. The appearance of the Armed Forces has not kept pace with Canadian society at this day. the one that works”, he continues.


The new rules allow for mixed uniforms, so soldiers will be able to “choose the style that suits them best” and soldiers “who identify as men can wear traditionally feminine clothing such as skirts”.

New changes include long hair and “they can do braids, bows or ponytails”. Moreover, it will be accepted hair dyed with bright colors. In the event that bright colors negatively affect field operations, the hair can be covered with a “headscarf”, says RT.

will also be admitted beards, goats, mustaches and sideburns, regardless of their volume, as long as they remain “tidy and symmetrical in style”.

They can also dye their hair bright colors, have face tattoos, wear piercings and have long fingernails (Shutterstock).

They can also dye their hair bright colors, have face tattoos, wear piercings and have long fingernails (Shutterstock).

Long nails and eyelash extensions They will also be permitted, but on condition that they do not affect operational tasks such as the proper use of weapons. Regarding face tattoos, the new regulations state that they are permitted unless they are linked to criminal groups or promote hatred or discrimination in any of its forms. said RT.

Moreover, it will be accepted ear piercings, the use of piercings and long earrings. All the measures will come into force at the beginning of September.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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