After meeting Trudeau, Boric calls on businessmen to invest with “Canadian standards” of respect for the environment

From Ottawa, Canada

The only way countries can have sustainable development is with inclusive growth. This is the look that President Gabriel Boric shared yesterday during the meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, a milestone that marked the start of the tour that will take him from Ottawa to Los Angeles, to the States -United.

In addition to valuing the long and “positive” bilateral relationship, Trudeau reaffirmed the bond amid instability in the world, the challenges of the pandemic and the fight against climate change. “It’s good news for Canada to have a partner on the other side of the continent,” he said.

The nod to Sutil and the informal dinner with Trudeau, among the anecdotes of the start of Boric’s tour in North America

The Canadian Prime Minister said that “For 25 years, the FTA has provided opportunities for businesses and workers and we hope to continue on this path, determined to create new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs by helping us find new markets and ensure competitiveness, but we have to make sure it’s for everyone.”

The Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Canadian Minister of Women’s Affairs signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Photo: Presidency

Asked if the constituent process and the changes promoted with a new government have an impact on investor confidence in Chile, Trudeau indicated that “it is a decision of the Chilean people” and added that “the world is changing and we we must ensure that our institutions and our democracies can keep up with these changes and that is to recognize the fight against climate change and that economic growth benefits everyone. This is the only way to build a solid future and country.

The Chilean president said “we share the fight for inclusive growth, respecting and believing in science to address the climate crisis and working together on environmentally sustainable development initiatives.”

Boric said that “we have an agreement 25 years ago that we want to continue to deepen and that Canadian companies will continue to work and generate value in our country.”

In this sense, he added that he had let Trudeau know “that we hope they will do it with Canadian standards”.

In other words, he explained, “what is being asked of Canada, we also want to ask Chile, we want to raise environmental standards, we want to generate growth and inclusive development and for that we let’s work together.”

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Following the meeting, Economy Minister Nicolás Grau said he shared the premise: “When indigenous peoples are involved in projects from the start, it makes it more likely that we will have economic development and it is more likely that, for example, these lawsuits will not be prosecuted”.

Foreign Minister Antonia Urrejola and Grau pointed out that the issue of the TPP was not discussed during the meeting between Boric and Trudeau.

Meet the CEOs

Later, Boric met with representatives of Canadian companies with investments in Chile at the Canadian Council for the Americas, an occasion in which he called for continuing to trust Chile and generate business and investment opportunities. . The dialogue was evaluated from Santiago by the president of the Canadian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce, Pablo Herrera.

“Some say about me or our government that we will be the next Maduro or things like that: it’s not true. We really believe in democracy, we are really committed to respect for human rights, we want a stronger state, but a stronger state is not possible without the private sector,” Boric said.

Travelogue :
Canada, first stop

  • a short dialogue
    President Boric had a ‘loving’ but short dialogue with the top leader of the Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC), Juan Sutil, on the Santiago-Ottawa flight, when, according to witnesses, they struck up a conversation on subjects that they had promised to continue the analysis within the framework of the tour which brings them together this week.
  • new program
    Juan Sutil had promised to participate this week -with the Minister of Labour, Jeannette Jara- at the ILO conference in Geneva, where a meeting with the former president and high commissioner for human rights of the United Nations ( UN), was even considered Michelle Bachelet. But since Boric invited him personally, he came to North America and the premise that you can’t say no to a president came true.
  • Half-full presidential plane
    Unlike the first tour to Argentina in March, Fach’s 767 presidential plane moved to North America with half its passenger capacity. That’s because it’s not a state visit, but rather because Canada’s raison d’être is work and the United States is participating in the Summit of the Americas.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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