Governor Maru Campos received the Canadian Consul Diplomacy News Political Courtesy – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Maru Campos Galván, Governor of the State of Chihuahua, received in his office Sandra Shaddick, Consul General of Canada for Northern Mexico, with whom she discussed economic and technological issues.

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“We are a State that, in addition to being vast, is characterized by its hospitality. In recent days, I have received the Consul General of Canada in Mexico, Sandra Shaddick, with great warmth”, informed the President via its social networks on the afternoon of this Monday, January 1st. of November.

According to information from the state government, the meeting took place on October 27, but it was not until today, November 1, that the governor provided details of the issues discussed.

“In Chihuahua, we continue to create the conditions to have these important ties with Canada that allow us to grow economically and technologically. They have this government and, of course, all the Chihuahuas,” he added in his post.

At the end of the meeting, where the coordinator of the cabinet of the state government, Luis Serrato; They presented the consul with a blue tablecloth commemorating his visit to the capital.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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