Influencer claims to be “too good to work” and is thwarted on the networks | VIDEO

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a young influencer claimed she was too pretty to go through the working life on the famous TikTok platform, so users of the social network They filled it with reviews and questions.

During the last years, the network has become a space allowing Internet users to share entertainment content, reviews and favorite programs.

In recent days, the Canadian influencer Lucy Welcher, from the account @luluhasfun, posted a recording in which he expresses his rejection of the idea of ​​working for the next 60 yearsWell, she adds, it’s too good to have to.

“I don’t want to work the rest of my life… Do I look like I wanna get up at 6am every fucking day for the next 60 years? Nope! I’m too pretty for that! “, she said.

It’s raining reviews on the influencer

The girl’s words caused disagreement among Internet users, who declared their contempt; however, others supported her and even offered to support her.

“Very pretty? Huh”, “From what I can see, let’s get to work!”, “Is this supposed to be a joke?and “You keep telling yourself that,” are some of the comments that are read.

The young woman received hurtful responsesin which netizens claimed that she was not so attractive and denounced her attitude.

So the tiktoker decided to answer them that it was just a joke and that they had been too angry at what had happened.

“You’re so mad and it’s a joke” and “Don’t be angry, you need to save energy for your singing career,” he told them.

In another recording, Lucy Welcher explained that it was all a joke and clarified that he had a job and had recently received a promotion, in which he also joked about it.

“I’m starting a new shift at my job today, so instead of folding napkins, I’m going to be in the office. I’m really nervous about starting in the office, because even though I can be very pretty, smart and talented, in fact I’m not smart at all“, he added.

Because the criticisms have not ceased, various international media have published journalistic notes on the situation; however, the TikTok content creator shared a new video in which he denied some false information about his lifestyle.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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