November 12 Ephemeris: It Happened in the World on a Day Like Today | Stan Lee | Tdex | WORLD

On November 12, but in 1864, the War of the Triple Alliance begins, the military conflict in which Uruguay, Argentina and the then Empire of Brazil fight in coalition against Paraguay. The conflict, which ended in 1870 with the defeat of Paraguay, is considered the greatest war in Latin America.


1900.- The Paris Universal Exhibition is closedwhich has recorded over 50 million views.

1906.- The Brazilian Santos-Dumont achieves the world record for distance flightby covering 200 meters in 21 seconds in a plane of his invention.

SEE: Over 300 migrants arrested after disbanding two caravans in Mexico

1912.- The President of the Council of Ministers, José Canalejas, is assassinated in Madrid.

– Found in Antarctica the body of the British Robert Falcon Scott and those of the members of the expedition he commanded, the second to reach the South Pole after that led by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen.

1936.- Opening of the San Francisco Bay Bridge (United States), the longest in the world so far.

1937.- The Pan-American flight for the Columbus lighthouse begins in Ciudad Trujillo (Dominican Republic).composed of four planes piloted by Cuban and Dominican pilots to visit all of Latin America, after the fifth American International Conference.

1942.- The main battles of the first naval battle of Guadalcanal beginin the Pacific, where the allied forces, in particular American, confront by sea and by air the imperial army of Japan.

[1945-[1945- The Chilean writer, educator and diplomat Gabriela Mistral, pseudonym of Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, receives the Nobel Prize for Literature. To date, Mistral is the only Spanish-speaking woman to have received this award.

1965.- The Soviet Union launches the Venera-2 probe into space, the second of the Venera program, sent to the planet Venus with scientific instruments and a television crew. Although it did not send data, it managed to reach Venus’ orbit in February 1966.

1980.- The American probe “Voyager 1”, launched on September 5, 1977, encounters Saturn.

1984.- The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is admitted to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) as a full member, resulting in Morocco’s withdrawal from the organization.

– American singer Madonna publishes “Like a Virgin”, her second studio album, that of her consecration as a singer.

1985.- The United Nations Commission on Decolonization approves, by consensus, a resolution urging the governments of Spain and the United Kingdom to continue negotiations for a solution to the dispute over Gibraltar, the last colony on European soil.

1990.- Akihito’s official coronation takes place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo as 125 Emperor of Japan.

1994.- The government of Venezuela nationalizes Banco Andinothe twelfth state-declared credit institution in the country.

1995.- The Commonwealth admits Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony, in the British Commonwealth of Nations as “a unique and special case”.

2001.- The three living ex-Beatles, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison meet for the last time in New York at the request of the latter, who died a few days later.

– All 260 passengers on an American Airlines Airbus plane that crashed in the New York neighborhood of Rocakway, Queens, die. shortly after taking off for Santo Domingo.

2002.- The UN asks for the eleventh time and massively the end of the economic embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba.

2004.- 25 Argentine deputies hold the first legislative session in Antarcticato commemorate 100 years of Argentine presence on the “white continent”.

– The Spanish bank Santander Central Hispano (SCH) acquires the British Abbey National and it becomes the eighth largest bank in the world.

2009.- Businesses Iberia and British Airways approve merger agreementfrom which emerged the trading company TopCo, one of the three largest airline groups in the world.

2014.- The Philae module, of the Rosetta probe (European Space Agency/ESA), lands on the surface of a comet and take an important step in the space race.

2016.- The Colombian government and the FARC reach a new peace agreement in Havana.

2018.- Writer and publisher Stan Lee dies in Los Angeles (USA)creator of the Fantastic Four, Spiderman or Hulk comics.

2019.- Jeanine Añez Chavez, takes office as Interim President of Boliviaafter the resignation of Evo Morales.

2021.- The doctors of the Madrid Hospital Gregorio Marañón present in Spain a World’s pioneering system for treating craniofacial deformities in babies under one year oldthanks to the combination of augmented reality, three-dimensional photography and surgical navigation.


1651.- Juana Inés de la CruzMexican poet.

1833.-Alexander Borodin, Russian composer.

1840.- Auguste Rodin, French sculptor.

1929.- Grace Kelly, American actress and Princess of Monaco.

1941.- Cristina Peri Rossi, Spanish writer, of Uruguayan origin.

[1945-NeilYoung[1945-NeilYoung Canadian singer.

1947.- Patrice LeconteFrench director.

1961.- Nadia ComaneciRomanian gymnast and trainer.

1980.-Ryan Gosling, Canadian actor.

1982.-Anne Jacqueline Hathaway, American actress.


1984.- Chester HimesAmerican writer.

1994.-Wilma Rudolph“the black gazelle”, American athlete.

1999.- Antonio González,“El Pescailla”, singer and husband of Lola Flores.

2007.- Ira Levin, American writer.

2011.- Evelyne Lauder, Vice-president of Estée Lauder American of Austrian origin. 2018.- Stan Lee, American comic book author and publisher.

2020.-Nelly Kaplan, French director, feminist icon of the New Wave.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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