New investment in Querétaro: Tim Hortons arrives with the opening of 50 restaurants

the company of Tim Hortons announced that it will land in Querétaro with an investment of 600 million pesos for the opening of 50 restaurants, which will generate one thousand direct jobs and more than seven thousand indirect jobs in the State over the next three years.

The CEO of Tim Hortons Mexico, Juan Jose Gutierrez Chapa, mentioned that the installation of 30 branches is planned only in the capital of Querétaro; while in the other municipalities it is planned to open from five to 10 restaurants. The international chain of cafeterias of Canadian origin will have branches located in the municipalities of Querétaro, Corregidora, El Marqués and San Juan del Río.

Gutiérrez Chama pointed out that the company has a high sense of social responsibility, which is why, of the total number of jobs, the ten% They are intended for people over 65. He mentioned that Tim Hortons seeks to be the largest fast food chain in the world.

“What we are looking for is to work with Querétaro, which is a production center that has the infrastructure to be able to do it, through its parks, its airports, its highways, and that they can export and that can be certified by the mark”a point.

For his part, he State Governor, Mauricio Kuri González, promised to support the company in terms of training and skilled labour. He also mentioned the possibility that in the near future the State will become the supplier.

“It’s a great opportunity for Querétaro and for the people of Querétaro that we can have…a delivery channel from us and raise a hand, even for our coffee,” manifest.

Canada: Querétaro’s third trading partner

In his speech, the Head of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development (SEDESU), Marco Antonio Del Prete Terceroindicated that Canada, country of origin of this investment, is the third trading partner of Querétaro for the period from 1999 to June of this year.

The state official added that, according to the Ministry of Economy, there are 96 Canadian companies in Querétaro, which puts this country in fourth place with the most companies in the state.

Finally, Del Prete Tercero said he was enthusiastic about the idea of ​​being able to announce in the future, together with Governor Mauricio Kuri, that the State of Querétaro will be a supplier of Tim Hortons at the World level.

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