They organize business forums for companies in Hidalgo

The Hidalgo Economic Development Secretary performed on inauguration of the business forums of the Hidalgo-North America trade missionthrough which it seeks to promote Hidalgo businesses in the United States (EU) and Canada to conduct international transactions.

“The event will generate opportunities that will enable trade, including generating greater investment and opening markets and knowledge for Hidalgo products in the United States and Canada, in addition to the fact that there will be reconciliations between the government of Hidalgo and the consulates of the invited countries (sic)”, affirmed the head of the dependency, Sergio Vargas Téllez.

He said the entity is considered the third with the best business environment by global standards; Additionally, he highlighted the interest of U.S. companies in local companies that produce transformers, freight cars, textiles and processed foods, while Canadian companies seek textiles, foods and silica-manganese. , among others.

They organize business forums for companies in Hidalgo

Meanwhile, Francisco Javier Tovar Vilchis, head of economic affairs at the Mexican Embassy in the United States, said the events “are valuable” for connecting suppliers and buyers.

Also present at the virtual exchange were Arturo Hernández Basave, head of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canada; Mark Richardson, Minister of the Canadian Embassy in the country; Iker Amilcar Jiménez Martínez, director general of Global Economic Impulse of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Jacqueline Márquez Rojano, head of the office for the implementation of the TMEC in Canada.


  • According to the State Secretariat for Economic Development, Hidalgo is considered the third state with the best business environment by international standards.
  • Sergio Vargas highlighted US corporate interest in Hidalgo companies that manufacture transformers, freight cars, textiles and processed foods

Irving Cruz the Pachuca

You may also be interested: They expelled 5,000,688 migrants from Hidalgo in 11 months

From January to November of last year, 5,688 migrants of Hidalgo origin were deported by immigration authorities in their attempt to cross the border into the United States, according to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).

As, throughout 2020, 5,314 people from the entity suffered the same fate. In other words, in 11 months of 2021, more repatriations were recorded than in the entire previous year.

Of the 5 thousand 688 expulsions recorded between January and November 2021, 5 thousand 89 corresponded to men and 599 to women.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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