Uruguayan tech company Cualit from Punta del Este has been acquired by Canadian The Sandbox – 05/19/2022

The figure is secret, but in April, the sale of another Uruguayan technology company. It is quality, whose headquarters is in Punta del Este, which was acquired by the Canadian The sandbox. The two companies had been working together for over a year and the deal was finalized in April this year, as reported by the local company.

After the operation, the local company will be renamed The Uruguay sandboxwill be the second subsidiary of the company in Latin America (it is already present in Argentina) and will maintain the team of 100 people who made up the Uruguayan firm.

In addition, Martin and Federico Perezthe co-founding brothers qualitywill continue to lead the local Sandbox to stimulate the growth of the team. In fact, the plan is to finish this year with a squad of 150 people, Martín confirmed to El Empresario.

Cualit has worked on different technological projects over the past 10 years, mainly in the areas of blockchain. “The web3 technology is evolving rapidly and we believe that The Uruguay sandbox will help us onboard millions of users with their web design and user flow expertise,” said Arthur Madrid, CEO and co-founder of The Sandbox it is a statement.

Uruguay it’s a fantastic place to invest in technology and we see a new generation of developers who want to rethink how we use and own our data through the open metaverse,” he added.

For their part, the co-founders of Cualit and the current directors of Sandbox Uruguay, said they were “empowered to build a new talent hub for all of Latin America, driving the growth of The Sandbox and the region. “.

As, Sebastien Borget, COO and co-founder of The Sandbox, He assured that the acquisition will help his company rapidly scale “the adoption of the gaming and earning system by our growing ecosystem of partner brands and the UGC Creators Economy,” he concluded.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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