US and Canadian warships sail through the Taiwan Strait after Biden vows to defend the island

US and Canadian warships cruised through the Taiwan Strait after Biden vowed to defend the island in case of conflict

Two warships, belonging to the marines United States Yes Canadasailed this Tuesday in the international waters of the Taiwan Straitin the second of these transits made by Washington in a month.

The Taiwan Ministry of Defense confirmed by a press release the passage of the boats and affirmed that no irregularities occurred as the two ships sailed north in the Taiwan Strait.

The ships, identified as the American destroyer USS Higgins and the Canadian frigate HMCS Vancouvercarried out “routine” navigation in the area through international waters “in accordance with international law”, the local news agency reported ANC.

The last time a joint action was taken between ships of the two navies was in October last year, in an episode then described by the Chinese military as “dangerous for peace and stability”.

This operation takes place only 48 hours after the American president, Joe Biden, said in an interview with the network SCS What they would defend Taiwan in case of invasion by China.

Early August, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosimade a short-lived visit to Taipei despite previous warnings from China, sparking a crisis in the strait to which Beijing responded with military maneuvers around the island.

This did not prevent two American destroyers from transiting the same waters three weeks ago, which raised tensions between Washington and Beijing.

In early August, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi made a short-lived visit to Taipei despite previous warnings from China, triggering a crisis in the strait to which Beijing responded with military maneuvers in the vicinity of the island. .
In early August, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi made a short-lived visit to Taipei despite previous warnings from China, triggering a crisis in the strait to which Beijing responded with military maneuvers in the vicinity of the island. .

Since, several delegations of American politicians and officials visited Taipeiwho will be joined in October by a few Canadian parliamentarians who have already announced their intention to visit the island.

The live-fire war games and the launching of long-range missiles have been described by the Taiwanese government as “irresponsible”, in addition to sparking widespread concern among the international community.

United States He said at the same time that he would continue to operate across the Taiwan Strait, describing the crisis as “manufactured” by Beijing.

China claims sovereignty over Taiwan, an island it has considered a rebel province since Kuomintang nationalists retreated there in 1949 after losing the civil war against the Communists.

The United States has approved a new $1.1 billion arms package for Taiwan as part of a fresh bid to bolster the island’s defenses amid growing tensions with Beijing.

New package includes $665 million for early warning radar system to help Taiwan track incoming missiles, the State Department said.

The United States has approved a new $1.1 billion arms package for Taiwan, part of a fresh bid to bolster the island's defenses amid growing tensions with Beijing.
The United States has approved a new $1.1 billion arms package for Taiwan, part of a fresh bid to bolster the island’s defenses amid growing tensions with Beijing.

The state department approved the possible sale of more than $1.1 billion in weapons to Taiwan, including 60 anti-ship missiles and 100 air-to-air missiles.

The package also includes contractor logistics clearance for a surveillance radar program, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement.

The aid still has to be approved by the United States Congress, where Taiwan has the support of Democrats and Republicans, so approval is just a formality.

A State Department spokesperson defended that the military aid is necessary for Taiwan “to maintain its capacity to defend itself” and recalled that, since 2010, the American government notified Congress of the delivery of more than 35 billion euros in military aid to Taiwan.

The aid, the spokesperson explained, is in line with the “one China” principle that Beijing imposes as the basis of its ties with any country.

(With information from EFE)


Mona Watkins

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