The Mexican was hospitalized for more than 17 days after arriving in Canada

Gabriel Amaroa Almaraz is a Mexican from La Paz, Baja California, who arrived in Canada on July 28 and was rushed to hospital the same day for chest pain.

Photo published on Gabriel’s Facebook

The diagnosis is that he has clots in his lungs, which is why he remains delicate at the Michael Garrón Hospital.

There is currently a GoFoundMe campaign to help Gabriel return to Mexico, after he made his case known in a Facebook group where he asked the community for help.

For its part, the Mexican Consulate in Toronto issued a publication announcing that it is in contact with Gabriel and his family, in addition to providing assistance through hospital visits and ongoing contact with medical personnel. .

According to the consulate, Gabriel had a medical condition prior to his arrival. “The national is in a delicate health situation, presumably derived from a pre-existing situation upon his arrival in Toronto”, indicates the published press release.

In the coming days, the Mexican’s state of health will be assessed to determine the possibilities of his return to the country.

If you would like to contribute to the campaign to help Gabriel, you can do so here.

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Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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