Pilots and flight attendants meet before the start of the strike at Aeromar – El Sol de México

trade union associations of air pilots of Mexico (BLADE) and of Supplements of Aviation (ASSA) continued in assembly, four hours before the expiration of the mandate to decide whether or not a burst a strike in Aeromar.

The Assembly It started after 1:30 p.m. on October 13, but until 7:50 p.m. no report had been released. final verdictaccording people with knowledge of the subject.

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The main demands of BLADE Yes ASSA are that the full salary be paid to the pilots of Aeromaras well as the salary debts of all employees.

On October 10, the workers of the Airline company I know manifest in the Terminal 2 of Airport international Town from Mexico (AICM), where they also threatened an explosion at strike in the first minutes of Friday the 14th october.

Before this move, unions of pilots and of crew aerial of Canada, Spain Yes Brazil expressed this Thursday their support for the call to strike scheduled for the first minute of this Friday by workers of Aeromarwhom they accuse of non-payment of wages Yes advantages.

“With great concern and sadness, we contemplate Sepla (labor union Spanish for airline pilots) everything that happens in Aeromar and we are alarmed by the fact that CompanyDespite all the facilities offered by the pilotshas repeatedly violated its obligationswhich prompted the group to go on strike”, indicates a press release from this organization sent to the secretary general of BLADE, Umberto wow.

The Canadian Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA Canada) announced that it would support the request of BLADE to invoke the requirements established in the Federation International of associations of airline pilotsin the event of a labor movement.

Among these requirements are the request no renting with crew and the frozen of the aptitude for the carriers in the Alliance sky team.

In turn, the union that affiliates pilots Yes crew of Brazil described the company’s attitude as arbitrary Aeromar and be hostile towards the workers. “In case you need it, do not hesitate to contact us,” reads a message from the NSDA of Brazil a BLADE.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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