Wine and Gastronomy Festival – Guatemala’s Latest News

The Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Guatemala made the V Wine and Gastronomy Festivalas part of his 94th birthday celebrations, a period in which he promoted trade between the Central American country and the Iberian nation.

The event brought together more than 15 product distributors, who exhibited and put on sale different types of wines, salami, cheeses, chorizo, sausages, olives, artichokes and olive oil, among others.

15 distributors participated in the event.

The activity was attended by the Spanish Ambassador, José María Laviña, and the economic and commercial adviser of said diplomatic representation, Bernardo de Lizaur.

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“The Chamber was founded in 1928 by visionary businessmen who paved the way for business between Spain and Guatemala, which, almost a century later, continues to make a difference and generate more and better commercial economic relations” between the two countries, said Rafael Briz, president of the aforementioned commercial entity.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Laviña pointed out that “Spain is one of the three wine countries in the world par excellence. We are the main producer by volume, we are the main exporter, and it is a product that is increasingly present in the world”.

In recent years, the drink obtained from the fermentation of grape juice has gained ground among the chapines. According to the Chamber, “in terms of preference, Guatemalans opt for wines made from red grapes, with 75%, compared to white wines, with 23%”.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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