Yeison Jiménez was denied a ‘serenade’ in Canada

Photo taken from Instagram @Yeison_Jimenez

Today, among popular music genres Yeison Jimenez He is one of the most popular and sounding singers. In fact, the music of the singer Caldense is not only heard with success in the national territory, but also abroad, since on August 19 and 20 he gave some concerts in Canada, specifically in Toronto and Montreal .

Now, beyond the aforementioned musical performances, the ‘You Were Right’ singer also walked the streets of Canada offering serenadesIt was when at one point he saw a couple and commented, “Hi (Hello), serenade?”. However, the panorama he ended up with was probably not the one he expected, since the said couple’s answer was a resounding no.

Despite everything, the popular music singer wanted to give them their respective serenades. “Okay, for them the serenade…why not? … but why?”; he also started asking them casually, but they didn’t answer. Then, the song to perform was “Triunfamos”, a classic bolero.

“Would you also refuse the serenade?”, Yeison Jiménez in front of the refusal of a couple to hear her sing

In the middle of this brief musical presentation that Yeison Jiménez gave them, initially the couple did not seem comfortable, from what could be seen due to their gestures, although later the woman smile.

It should be noted that the Colombian singer recorded this scene on video and posted the clip on his TikTok account with a caption that reads: “Whoever does not want soup, we give him two cups”, in addition, He also wanted to leave a question in the air to his followers on this social network: “Would you also refuse the serenade?”

“Would you reject my serenade too?”, Yeison Jiménez before a couple refused to hear him sing. Photo: TikTok @yeison_jimenez1

Among the other musical occupations of the man from Calda, next October he will tour the United States. In this way, From October 7 to 29, the popular artist will perform his music in New York, Miami, New Jersey, Boston, Los Angeles, Orlando, among others.

“Family from the United States, we are confirmed, very confirmed, in October we will see each other more than ten dates. Get ready all because Yeison Jiménez is coming back to sing to you from the bottom of our hearts. All the beautiful people, my Latinos to the States, get ready because we are going to be there to sing for you and to sing together,” the singer said of his upcoming concerts in the United States.

“The other day I told them to ask me what I preferred, here I answer some of them. Batteries so that they get to know me better!”, Yeison Jiménez wrote on her Instagram profile on Friday August 19, after posting a video in which she answered one or other of the questions posed by her fans.

Thus, among the wide variety of questions that have surely reached the aforementioned social network, the popular music singer has selected a few to answer. Here’s how a few users expressed their curiosity to know: “What was the best concert that you remember the most? and “What was the worst concert?”. See here the answers of the artist, born in Manzanares (Caldas) 31 years ago.

Yeison Jiménez confesses what was his best and his worst concert of his career


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Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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