Canadian politician swallowed a bee during a press conference: ‘It got stuck in my throat’

A civil servant from a province of Canada had an accident in the middle of a press conference, which forces him to interrupt his speech. The politician swallowed a bee that accidentally entered his mouth and the video, captured by media who were in the coverage, quickly went viral on social media.

It is Douglas Robert Ford, Premier of Ontario. The politician was answering questions from journalists when a bee entered his mouth. “My God, I just swallowed a bee”he expressed surprise.

Ford tried to get her out, but was unsuccessful and ended up swallowing it. “Give me a second,” he asked the attendees, because had to drink water to ease the feelingand waved his hand to indicate that everything was fine.

A civil servant swallowed a bee at a conference in Canada.

“I feel how buzzing I am here right now”, expressed the politician, while pointing to the stomach area. And he added, between his laughter and that of the public: “If it was a movie, they would play it again and again.”

Reporters asked him if he needed a few seconds to recover, but the politician replied: “No, it’s fine, only a bee was stuck in my throat”.

The moment was broadcast live by some of the media covering the event and quickly went viral on social media, and crossed the country’s borders.

Canadian columnist and television presenter, Brian Lilley, also shared the clip on his Twitter account. “Look at Ontario Premier Ford swallows a bee live on TV at a press conference“, wrote. The publication exceeded 114,000 reproductions and obtained almost 1800 love.

Canadian columnist and TV host Brian Lilley also shared the clip on his Twitter account.Twitter: @brianlilley

Social media users wanted the Prime Minister to be well after the incident, as it was suggested he might be allergic. Although they were also amused by the material. “I hope you are well”one says. He added: “Although I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.” “Now the bee will rule Ontario,” others joked.

Politicians frequently give speeches to the press and are exposed to an incident occurring and being recorded by more than one camera. This recently happened to Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, and the awkward moment has gone viral.

The agent he got one word wrong during his speech, but this led to an error that made the difference in meaning. It was a speech that the progressive president offered on security for peace and the defense of life as a guideline for his management, but he got a slip.

Gustavo Petro’s slip in a speech on young people.

Petro spoke about the possibility for young people and children to benefit from a quality education, for the benefit of all. “Young people have sexual possibilities”he said, and immediately corrected himself: “To access”. And he added with a laugh, “Well, too. To education”, which also made those present at the press conference laugh.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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