Building a new foreign policy; capital continues to flow

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Senator Gina Cruz Blackledge asserted that a new foreign policy must be built for the country, away from one-person occurrences, with clear rules, active diplomacy and real rule of law so that Mexico can once again to be a reliable actor in the concert of peoples The also president of the North American Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the Republic, presented the position of the PAN parliamentary group, regarding foreign policy, in the analysis of the IV government report of the head of the federal executive. “Let us build a new foreign policy agenda together, which goes beyond the occurrences of a single person, whose isolation and loneliness must not be reflected in our international relations.” We have no other alternative at present, in which active diplomacy, clear rules of the game, full respect for the rule of law and full respect for agreements such as the T-MEC, are essential for our country to be a reliable and relevant player in the concert of nations” The Baja California legislator pointed out that at the beginning of this six-year term, Mexico was among the fifteen most powerful economies on the planet, today it is not.From January to June of this year, foreign direct investment fell by 13.2%, according to the World Economic Forum, it is the number 55 out of 63 nation in terms of competitiveness, Gina Cruz commented that throughout this administration, Mexico has fallen several places and is now in 60th place in government efficiency and 58th in infrastructure, while in March of this year, capital for a total amount of 5 billion pesos have which such as Mexico, and the outflow of capital continues. The legislator addressed her fellow senators to emphasize that these are real data, and not the other data that are discussed at the Presidency of the Republic, since it is a country that does not exists only in his mind and in that of his fans. “The data faithfully reflects the witty idea that the best foreign policy is domestic policy, which has led us to neglect international relations, which should concern all senators, and more so before which is already the fourth report of the government of the current administration”. With regard to the North American region, he said that it was necessary to highlight the important reactivation of important spaces for dialogue, such as those on economic and security issues. between Mexico and the United States.” However, the absence of President López Obrador at the Summit of the Americas, and the alliance with the dictatorships, is one of the darkest pages of our foreign policy, since it has also tried by all possible means to include nations that systematically violate the charter of the Organization of American States (OAS), whose axes are democracy and respect for human rights. Regarding trade in general, although Mexico is the main trading partner of the United States, a bad image of the country persists in the international community, and a growing mistrust of decisions made from the National Palace, explained Gina Cruz. The Mexico, United States and Canada Treaty (T-MEC) is in the consultation phase at the request of the country’s two trading partners, regarding the changes in energy matters that have been applied in flagrant violation of what has been established and signed in said treaty. “Today, a country’s best letter of presentation is unrestricted respect for the rule of law. We have lost this letter of introduction, we have become an actor who, before the international community, is unstable and unpredictable. The relationship The bilateral agreement with the United States is not experiencing one of the best moments in the field of security, since the federal government has chosen to limit and hinder cooperation and the exchange of information between the authorities of both countries. Gina Cruz noted that in terms of migration, cooperation with the United States has made it possible to observe a slight decrease in the number of migrants from Central America and other nationalities in search of the American dream passing through our country, although it should be noted that there has been an increase in the number of Mexican men and women seeking to emigrate to the neighboring country to the north.” After four years of government, cuts in public administration, the disappearance of Pro Mexico and the de facto disappearance of the Council for the Promotion of Tourism in Mexico, still significantly affects the attraction of investments and the promotion of Mexico in the world”. While the budget for foreign policy has steadily decreased in during the last 3 years of this administration, which means that the Mexican representation abroad does not have the necessary resources in areas such as general services, materials and f supplies, resulting in a setback for the foreign ministry’s diplomatic activities. Gina Cruz pointed out that in the 2023 expenditure budget, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), they only propose an increase of only 1.2% in real terms, which is insufficient to strengthen embassies and consulates. He announced that the PAN parliamentary group will not support any reduction in consular protection, nor in the substantive tasks carried out by the 50 consulates in the United States, on the contrary, it will favor that they be provided with the necessary resources. The senator from Baja California sent recognition to the consular representations abroad, to the diplomatic representations, for the great effort they make in favor of the compatriots.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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