in the shade | Alejandro Armenta – The Sun of Mexico

Those who assure that the senator Ricardo Montreal lost with the vote to elect the presidency of the Administrative Council of the Senate, they are very, very wrong, because with the appointment of their close friend, the most morenista Alexandre Armentatook a full car to the Upper House, as he will also retain the chairmanship of the Policy Coordinating Council.

In the dark…

With the aforementioned maneuver, Zacatecan gained weight within the National Regeneration Movement, which will require its efforts for a crucial legislative period, at the same time, and in favor of the opposition, it managed to defeat the fourth wing the most radical transformist. Likewise, he manages to buy time so as not to be destroyed from the National Palace.


Moreover, we are informed that certain figures within the government of the 4T They’re nervous about an issue that involves the United States and Canada, but what they know is that their leader doesn’t care. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. This is the second meeting of the T-MEC Environmental Committee, scheduled for September 23, 2022.


It is precisely in the T-MEC affair that the position won by Monreal becomes relevant, since it immediately becomes an obstacle to Lopez Obrador, which threatens to destroy the trade agreement in the national month that begins. The destruction of the country’s engagements with Canada and the United States must necessarily be approved by the Senate of the Republic. And there, they advance us, their occurrences will not happen.


Although among the promises he made at the start of the administration was to go to Congress every year to deliver his government report and to dialogue with all the political forces, for the fourth time the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador sent the document through the Secretary of the Interior, Adam Augusto Lopez.


“Every year I will report to Congress and I will personally go there, I will not send it… I will personally go and speak with all the political forces and there will also be a report here every year to the Zócalo to review the 100 commitments one by one, to find out if they have been fulfilled or are pending,” he said during his inaugural speech.


Those who know say that even those who confess don’t believe the politicians in Mexico City. Amid a wave of robberies against Iglesias in the nation’s capital, mysterious shootings, and thefts of auto parts from neighborhoods in broad daylight, they presume they’re finishing off criminals on a fast track.


“We are delivering the fourth government report. I just want to highlight a few lines: a very important one is the reduction in the incidence of crime in Mexico City, we are talking about around 50%, at least, of the overall incidence of crime, but for some crimes the reduction is over 60%,” he said. Marti Batresthe secretary of the government of Mexico.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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