AMLO settles Canadian business disagreements over electricity policy

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported Thursday that an agreement had been reached with Canadian companies that had expressed their disagreement with the reform of the electricity sector and for which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had intervened during the last bilateral meeting.

“Yesterday I was with businessmen from Canada who had disagreements, now that Prime Minister Trudeau came, he asked me if we could help them, and personally, with the economic cabinet, we helped four Canadian companies and solved the four problems without any obstacles, which they had to “deal with the problems of the electrical sector and we have done it with American companies and we are always looking for conciliation”, he commented during his morning press conference.

One of these companies is the long-term investment fund Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ), which in 2017, together with a group of Mexican institutional investors, purchased 80% of a portfolio of 8 projects wind and solar power from the Italian company. state, Enel.

On January 11, as part of a bilateral meeting, López Obrador agreed with Trudeau to hear from companies in his country that feel harmed by the reform of the electricity sector benefiting Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Commission of electricity. (CFE) above foreign companies.

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According to the federal president, there are 125 mining companies in Mexico, two of which have expressed concerns about insecurity in the areas where they operate, mainly in Guerrero.

However, the head of the Federal Executive affirmed that these concerns have also been resolved by his administration.

“I told Canadians that there are 125 Canadian mining companies and we only have problems in two and they are also right, that they are extorted in Guerrero, by groups that are dedicated to crime, but we already take care of them, but only two,” revealed.

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Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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