Canadian doctors reject pay raise

While in some countries a salary increase is necessary, due to the increase in the prices of the basic basket, in others it is quite the opposite. In Canada, doctors have protested because they do not want to receive more money for their work since, according to them, they prefer that this money be redistributed not only in the nursing team but in the entire medical system since they consider that they are the only ones who benefit from the increase.

In a letter from the group called Quebec doctors for the diet, The following was published:

“We, doctors of Quebec, who believe in a strong public system, oppose the recent salary increases negotiated by our medical federations.”

“These increases are very shocking because our nurses, employees and other professionals are facing very difficult working conditions, while our patients live with a lack of access to the services required due to the drastic cuts of recent years and the centralization of power within the Ministry of Health. The only thing that seems safe from the cuts is our salary.”.

More than 700 doctors, residents and students have signed the request

In Canada, doctors have protested because they don't want to receive more money for their work

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They also indicated that they did not accept the pay increase because other people did not have access to the required services.

In Canada, they do not receive a fixed salary, but rather a fee for each service rendered. The income of any doctor depends on his work and the complexity of the task.

According to the New York Times, the income of specialist doctors in Quebec increased by approximately 2,232,600 Mexican pesos between 2009 and 2016. On average, they now earn 5,860,369 Mexican pesos, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Doctors refuse pay rise

“Quebec doctors are demanding that the salary increases granted be cancelled and that these system resources be allocated to improving the situation of other health workers and medical services across Quebec citizens.”

The demand has increased from 250 to more than 700, out of a total of 20,000 doctors in Quebec.

Washington Post reporter Amy B Wang said the letter was a Canadian action. In Kenya, the doctors' request was met with surprise, especially after doctors went on a three-month strike last year to see if their salaries would be improved.

In Canada, the average salary for a doctor was $339,000 per year. In Ontario, the average is about $314,600. In Quebec, it is $286,200.

This rejection is not understood by some other professionals in the sector in other regions, for example the Ontario Medical Association, which has been fighting for years for higher salaries.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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