Government withholds funds 'linked to suspended Canadian Soccer Federation officials'

Canadian Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough says the government is withholding some funding from the Canadian Football Federation following a spying scandal involving the women's Olympic soccer team.

FIFA stripped the team of six points over a drone spying scandal at the Paris Games.

It also suspended head coach Bev Pristman and two assistants for one year each and fined Canada Soccer approximately $313,000.

Qualtrough says the funding, which is “tied to suspended officials,” will be withheld for the duration of the FIFA sanction.

“There is a deeply concerning pattern of behaviour within Canada Soccer,” he said in a statement. “We must get to the bottom of this and we will. The Government of Canada will closely monitor the investigation and the results of the ongoing Canada Soccer process. The Commission on the Future of Sport in Canada is also underway and will make recommendations to the government on how to improve the Canadian sport system.”

“This matter has caused a great deal of confusion and embarrassment for Team Canada and all Canadians here in Paris and at home. It is deeply regrettable. As events surrounding this issue continue, I encourage Canadians to cheer on all of our incredible Olympians. “They have worked hard and deserve our continued support.”

Two assistant coaches were caught using drones to spy on New Zealand training before the teams played their opening match last Thursday.


Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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