Canadian Vampire Announces Retirement From Wrestling

The Canadian Vampire was one of the leading fighters of the 90s PHOTO: Internet.

If you are a fan of Lucha Libre, this news will touch your heart, since the historic wrestler “Canadian Vampire” announced his retirement from the ring after nearly 40 years as a professional wrestler.

The 55-year-old veteran shared the news on his Instagram account, specifying that as a professional, he will retire completely. until you complete your commitments already agreed to fight in different events.

“Hello!!! Omg hahaha, I didn't expect so much energy around me to say goodbye to wrestling! But listen, I have some commitments and of course I will finish them and then I will make the official announcement.” was part of the caption that the Vampire left on his social networks.

Why is the Canadian Vampire retiring?

The main reasons for his retirement are the illnesses he suffers from, which are Alzheimer's and early Parkinson's, two neurodegenerative diseases that could get significantly worse if he continues to fight.

Who is the Canadian vampire?

His real name is Ian Richard Hodgkinson and in case you didn't know very well, he was one of the most iconic wrestlers of Triple AAA in the 90s due to his height, long hair, light eyes and gothic appearance, this added to his particular charisma quickly made him one of the favorites of the public.

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Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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