Canadian woman dies in attempted attack near Chichimequillas stand

An indigenous citizen canadian was the victim of a filming fatal in what appears to be an attempted robbery. This event, which occurred around midnight on SATURDAYdrew public attention to the atrocious event which claimed the lives of this Women.

A citizen of nationality canadian was fatally injured in a filming which aims to be an attempted robbery in the municipality of El Marqués.

The tragedy occurred around midnight on Saturday when the woman and her companion were confronted by armed individuals while they were shopping in a convenience store.

The incident took place a few meters from the stand Chichimequillas from the northeast bypass, to El Marqués. The couple had gotten out of their vehicle to make purchases at a convenience store, located next to a gas station, when they were approached by the criminals.

The attackers allegedly threatened them with a shotgun and, when they resisted, they fired their weapons at the buyers. The woman was shot in the head and fell to the ground, while her companion was injured in the arm.

After the attack, the attackers quickly fled the scene, leaving the woman seriously injured. Store staff and other customers alerted the emergency services, but unfortunately, upon their arrival, the paramedics confirmed the death of the victim.

What do we know about the attackers?

Staff from the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) removed the victim's body and transferred it to the morgue to carry out the corresponding autopsy. In response to this tragic event, a large National Guard operation was deployed to the affected area. However, to date, the attackers are still at large and have not been located.

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Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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