Smoke from the fires in Canada reaches the skies of Madrid

The smoke of Canada’s raging fires has already affected several towns in UNITED STATES and now it happened Europearriving this Tuesday at Spain from Galicia to Madrid, leaving a cloudy sky with suspended particles.

It first entered through Galicia, having traveled thousands of kilometers in the upper layers of the atmosphere, although it only generates a slight reduction in visibility without affecting air qualityas explained to Efe Carlos Otero, MeteoGalicia meteorologist.

According to MeteoGalicia, the concentration in the rest of Spain will be less than in Galicia, this Wednesday it will be hardly perceived and Thursday the entry of a front that will clean the environment.

In Canada, they have burnt more than 7 million hectares. Of the 113 active fires in Quebec, 29 are out of control and the flames have forced the evacuation of thousands of residents of the province, including the 3,000 inhabitants of the Cree indigenous community of Mistissini.

From east to west, Canada is bearing the scourge of an unprecedented wildfire season and its peak, which usually occurs in July or August, has not even arrived yet, reports AFP.

No province is spared, not even Quebec or Nova Scotia to the east, where there are usually no major fires.

THE carbon emissions released by the fires in the atmosphere already exceed the annual record of Canada, according to the European observatory Copernicus.

Since the beginning of May, the fires have generated nearly 600 million tonnes of CO2, or 88% of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions from all energy sources in 2021.

in 2024 alone, fires in Canada account for more than 10% of global wildfire carbon emissions in 2022 (1,455 megatonnes).

“Very unhealthy” air quality in the United States

Smoke from wildfires burning in Canada is creating haze patches and raising air quality concerns across the Great Lakes region and parts of the central and eastern United States, reports Ap.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) website showed that parts of Illinois, southern Michigan and southern Wisconsin had the worst air quality in the United States. United on Tuesday afternoon, while Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee had air quality considered “very unhealthy.” “

According to the criteria of

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Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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