Canada has the city with the worst air quality in the world

THE Forest fires smog covered the Canadian city of Montrealwho recorded worse air quality among the world’s major cities, according to a study by pollution.

The most populous city in the Canadian province of Quebec had a “unhealthy” air qualitywith the frame of hundreds of active wildfires across the country, according to IQAir, which tracks pollution around the world.

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The Canadian Ministry of the Environment has warned several regions of Quebec that “High concentrations of fine particles lead to poor air quality and reduced visibility.”

Faced with this situation, the agency urged residents to avoid outdoor activities already wear masks if they have to go out.

Alert in Canada for active fires

THE outdoor swimming pools and the sports fields have been closed and various outdoor events, including concerts and sports competitions, were canceled due to unhealthy smog.

“It’s really like a fog, except it’s the smoke from the forest fires. It’s really hard to breathe, and it kinda stings the eyes too.”said Fauve Lepage Vallée, 18, as he lamented the cancellation of a festival he was going to attend.

Montreal invaded by smoke

In Quebec, there are 80 active fires, according to the Quebec Society for the Protection against Forest Fires, SOPFEU, due to the high temperatures Yet the drought of the weekend.

“The scale of the smoke makes it particularly difficult for tanker aircraft and helicopters to be effective.”says SOPFEU.

However, “Significant amounts” of rain are expected on Monday or Tuesday in the northwest of the province, he added.

Wednesday, 119 firefighters The French will arrive in Quebec to relieve a contingent of their compatriots present since the beginning of June.

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Canada is experiencing an unprecedented year of fires, with more than 7.4 million hectares burned since the beginning of January, AFP concluded.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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