10 worst cities to live in, according to the international ranking… Is CDMX there?

Written in TENDENCIES he

Year after year, the Economist Intelligence Unit publishes the ranking of the best cities in the world to live… which also includes the worst cities to live, according to different criteria to build the international ranking, But is CDMX on this list? Here we tell you.

The analysis made by the subsidiary of the English specialist newspaper The Economist takes into account 5 categories to determine which city is the best to live in the world and who is the worst.

These criteria are: health care, stability, culture, infrastructure and the environment.

It’s a list of 173 cities, which with a maximum score of 98.4 out of 100 show more or less how the living conditions are in the big cities of the world in ranking of the specialized publication.

Ranking of the best and worst cities to live according to The Economist.

Before talking about the worst cities in the world to live in, it is fair to mention which are the first, where in the top 10 placesthree Canadian cities stand out.

What is the best city to live in the world in 2024?

The Economist’s list is led by Vienna, the capital of Austria, which is considered a city with an excellent mix stability, attention to services, culture, entertainment and a reliable infrastructure.

Vienna, Austria tops the ranking of the best cities to live in.

In the ranking they follow:

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Melbourne, Australia

4. Sydney, Australia

5.Vancouver, Canada

6. Zurich, Canada

7.Calgary, Canada

8. Geneva, Switzerland

9. Toronto, Canada

10. Osaka, Japan

10. Auckland, New Zealand

The 10 worst cities to live in

On the other hand, the ranking includes the ten worst cities to live in and, due to the current situation, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine is on this listbut there is an even worse one, let’s see what it is.

Under current circumstances, Kyiv, Ukraine is one of the worst cities to live in.

1. Damascus, Syria

2. Tripoli, Lebanon

3. Algiers, Algeria

4. Lagos, Nigeria

5. Karachi, Pakistan

6. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

7. Dhaka, Bangladesh

8. Harare, Zimbabwe

9. Kyiv, Ukraine

10. Douala, Cameroon

Where is CDMX?

Mexico City, unfortunately, it is far from being the top 10 cities to live, but fortunately not in the 10 worst.

Other Mexican cities stand out in the rankings in the range between 60 and 80 points, just like Monterreywhich is above CDMX and Querétaro.

But there are others like Aguascalientes who place it in the range of 40 to 60 pointsthe group of cities that also includes Guatemala, Guatemala and Caracas, Venezuela.

In Latin America, the city with the highest score was Buenos Aires, Argentina, followed by Santiago de Chile; Montevideo, Uruguay; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Lima, Peru and San José, Costa Rica.

Now you know the CDMX is not among the 10 worst cities to live in the worldbut not in the 10 worst either.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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