Watch the North – Online Newspaper North of Cordoba

Two rural places that need a special look.

The interior of the Ischilin Department It needs deep efforts to solve various problems. Electricity, water, connectivity and good roads are some of the needs that top the list.

With many years of management experience, Mayor of Deán Funes and candidate for legislator of Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, Raúl “Tito” Figueroatravels the department of Ischilin to listen to the needs of families in the first person.

This weekend he held two meetings; one in Villa Albertine and another in Pinto River Gorgetwo rural areas of the department that deserve a special look.

“We work with mayors, community leaders and candidates to implement an articulated management in case I have to be a legislator. I would like to tell you that in Deán Funes we have been able to fulfill several dreams for people working together with the provincial government, municipalities, communes and the private sector,” Figueroa said.

And he added: “I don’t like to promise what I won’t keep. But the commitment that Martín Llaryora gives me motivates me. He offered me his two hands to roll up our sleeves and work for the department.


On occasion, he also accompanied the candidate for the post of community leader of Cañada de Rio Pinto, Aldo Gutierrezwho intends to succeed the post which will be left vacant on December 10 by Edgardo Castro.

It should be noted that, despite the low temperatures, Figueroa has already visited Olivares San Nicolás and Quilino, the second largest district of the department of Ischilín.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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