Cancun, CDMX and Los Cabos shine in the preference of international tourists

In the first quarter of the year, Cancun, Mexico City and Los Cabos shone among the preferences of foreign tourists.

According to data from the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), in the period from January to March, these three destinations received the highest number of international travelers out of the more than 5 million who arrived in the country, with 4 million 191 thousand tourists , which is 370,215 more than those received in the first three months of 2022.

The figure also exceeds the arrivals of the first quarter of 2019 by 4.2%, when 4 million 24 thousand tourists arrived, that is, it exceeds the pre-pandemic level.

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From January to March, 2,510,000 international tourists arrived at Cancún airport, 4.9% more than in the same period of 2022, while 1,110,000 tourists arrived at Mexico City international airport (AICM), which is 15.2% more than in the first quarter of 2022.

In the case of Los Cabos airport, it welcomed 670,237 international tourists, 21.9% more than what was observed in the first three months of 2022, details the Sector.

Tourists come mainly from the United States, Canada and Colombia

In the first quarter of 2023, Mexico recorded the arrival of 5 million 762 thousand international tourists by air, whose main nationalities are Americans, Canadians and Colombians, according to the Ministry of Tourism.

According to Miguel Torruco Marqués, head of the Sector, the arrival of American tourists by air reached 3 million 260,000 tourists, or 2.4% more compared to January-March 2022.

The arrival of Canadian tourists during the reference period was 90.2% higher, with a total of 971,482 visitors.

The number of Colombian tourists entering the country was 178,819 tourists, 3.4% less than in the January-March 2022 period.

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Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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