Controversy at the Colombian consulate in Canada: they have a photo of Iván Duque three times larger than that of President Gustavo Petro

The post raised questions about the size differences and the former president’s presence in the official frame. Credit: @lapoladigna/Twitter

In the photographs uploaded to social networks, a complaint was registered for the differences in size of the photographs of former President Iván Duque and the President Gustavo Petrowho remain in the facilities of the Consulate in Vancouver, Canada.

The controversy erupted in Twitter with two very particular photographs. The text above them states that: “To the uribista officials of the Vancouver Consulate Our President @petrogustavo represents one third of a duke.”

The expression specifically referred to the fact that, according to the photographs, the photo of the former President Duke It is larger and is still present in the office of the consulate, while that of the current president Petro is in an isolated place and, moreover, without the official framing which the first image benefits from.

According to the information cited, issues related to the size of the official table of the Presidency of the Republic at the consulate, would be decided by the consul in the company of civil servants.

The text later asks: “How is it possible that the official framed painting of the President of the Republic has been reduced to a simple color print stuck to the wall.”

Complaint of size differences to the consulate. Credit: @lapoladigna/Twitter

In the picture you can see the photo at the bottom of Gustavo Petro in the premises of the consulate:

Background image of President Gustavo Petro. Credit: @lapoladigna/Twitter

And in the second image, the photograph of the former president ivan duke It appears right next to the shield of the Republic of Colombia, framed and visibly larger than the current one, in addition to being located at the head of the consulate office.

Photograph of former President Duque at the consulate. Credit: @lapoladigna/Twitter

The post, which also continued with a question about “…arbitrary Uribista officials at the consulate,” was followed by comments from users who claimed to pay attention to the larger issues of Colombians abroad.

“The important thing is the national emblem, presidents are fleeting”, “I think we have to ask ourselves an honest problem”, “@CancilleriaCol Gentlemen, many Colombians are waiting for an answer to this”, some of the comments point out.

On the other hand, it is time to see the panorama of relations between Colombia and Canada, as well as what is expected with the arrival of the new government.

Information released by the Colombian Foreign Ministry indicates that relations between the two nations “…have developed continuously over time and have great prospects in the short and medium term.”

Besides, Jaime Giron, Ambassador of Colombia to Canada during the years 2005 and 2010, recently indicated that:

“We could go on and on about the richness of the relationship between Colombia and Canada and how this relationship has developed continuously, especially in recent years.”

To this, he added that, given this balance, a feeling of satisfaction is perceived as lingering. He even mentioned that: “…but if we project the progress we have made, I think we can be even more optimistic in thinking that what this relationship offers us not only serves to bring our peoples and our governments, but to try to derive all the benefits.

It should be remembered that the two nations have constantly sought to strengthen their ties. Proof of this would be the educational offer they announced during the commemoration of 70 years of bilateral relations, where they indicated that education is one of the central axes of their interaction.

In fact, during this event, they also reported on the background that marks a promising path of relations between nations. There, the number of 8 thousand Colombians who have traveled to Canada for the purpose of academic training, as well as reference was made to the offer announced at the fair “Sales Expo in Canada” held in Barranquilla.

Although there is a wide academic offer available to Colombians, engineering, creative arts and business programs continue to stand out in this framework, which are positioned as the most in-demand careers.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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