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Polish government settles case of Russian missile lost in December and found in forest in April

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Monday settled the case of the Russian missile that entered Polish airspace last December and lost track of it. Everything indicates that it is the same projectile found in a forest more than 500 kilometers from the border with Ukraine and Belarus in April, as reported by the Polish press.

Last Friday, Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mariusz Blaszczak blamed a high military command for not informing him of the events in December and for not doing enough to search for the projectile. This Monday, the Prime Minister tried to minimize the incident. “Let me remind you that two and a half months ago, something happened in the sky of the United States, the most powerful country in the world. Chinese spy balloons appeared above the ‘Alaska, then over Canada, and again over the United States. Only a few days later, the balloons were shot down. I will also remember the incident with the drone that flew over the territory of Romania and fell in Croatia, about the missiles that fell on the territory of Moldova”, he listed.

The ultraconservative leader pointed the finger at the opposition and the independent media trying to create “a climate of fear” by questioning the security of Polish airspace. “Unfortunately, there is a war on the other side of Poland’s eastern border,” he said. “This kind of thing can happen anywhere in Europe,” Morawiecki explained.

This Saturday morning, the Ministry of Defense reported the appearance of “an object from Belarus” in Polish airspace” and that “it is probably an observation balloon”. The radar lost contact near Rypin, in the center of the country, more than 350 kilometers from the border to the east.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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