Alberto Silva, Pascual, Aldana and Rafael Calviño inaugurate the exhibitions at Palazzo Dionisi

“The idea of ​​this batch of samples with which we begin our exhibitions, has to do with the selection of a group of artists who generate a critical reflection on what we observe and what we produce, both at Cordoba and at a national national level”, begins by saying Lucia Alvarez Pereznew head of Dionisi Palace Museum.

Thus, promoting crossroads that broaden dialogue and knowledge, three major exhibitions were inaugurated last Wednesday, which can be visited until September 30 (a second batch of exhibitions is planned for October).

Calvino in Cordoba. The photographer exhibits his work in our city for the first time and does so with two series: ‘La calle’, photographs taken between 2001 and early 2004, and ‘Argentina Writers’, a series that began in 2011.

About ‘La calle’, the photographer recalls that it was a mixed era, when digital was beginning to appear; however, his recordings were taken with a 35 millimeter camera, black and white film and a single lens, a low angle.

In this series, Calviño photographed the future. He had returned to the streets after being a photo editor for a while: “And it was frustrating from a journalistic point of view because the stories he was doing were not like what I had experienced in the 80s, which was much more interesting. Plus, I had the feeling of the late 90s, that everything was falling. And I think it was more that feeling before taking the pictures that lasted over time because there was no project, no script. For me, one of the graces of photography is that these are unique moments that are recorded and then allow other readings”, he testifies .

Thus, the photographs were always taken on the way to somewhere, with the sharp eye of so many years of craftsmanship and they are a cut of what was going on in our country at that time.

As for ‘Argentina Writers’, it is a production that was born in 2011 and was an agreement between the photographer and the National Library. “In the library there were no photos of the writers, there were some old and stained ones, which have been digitized. But it seemed to me that it could be a place where Argentine writers were photographed.

This time his work was digital and in color. “I would go there alone, collect phone numbers or e-mails and try to photograph them at home; In this exhibition there are about 50 portraits on display but I photographed about 100 Argentine writers”.
Among the photographs that can be seen in the Dionisi there is a portrait of Ricardo Piglia back (“I photographed him like that at his express request”) or a Hebe Uhart enveloped in a neighborhood atmosphere, on the balcony of her house, with her plants.

LAGER. The lights and shadows in different extermination spaces invite reflection and memory.

chronicles of extermination. “Photography is an expressive reflection of human feelings, because I can express with images the thoughts that make me dizzy, whenever I think of the lagers (in German: center, camp, warehouse) of the world”, he says. Alberto Silvawho exhibits his work in rooms 4, 5 and 6.

With photographs of different “lagers” around the world (for example, Poland and its Campo Birkenau or Berlin and the Holocaust museum), the Cordovan artist invites us to reflect on the systematic insistence “to eradicate the human of man” (in the words of the French writer and resistance fighter Robert Antelme). “Whether in the D2 detention center in Córdoba or in Birkenau, the degradation of the man was carried out due to different circumstances but with the same objective, his extermination”, explains Silva.

In this sense, his photographs seek to establish themselves as a space for reflection while bringing history to life.

art and speech. Through a shared vision between the artists Manuel Pascual and Jimena Aldana and with strong semiotic potential, the exhibition ‘O no’ is located in rooms 7 and 8. “The collages are made manually, taking obsolete graphic materials and contemplating images and texts that dialogue and offer games of interpretation, where the meaning is elastic and diverse”, note the artists.

Thus, the action of collage is presented as an aesthetic and political proposal, which is confronted with certain paradigms, models of thought and balance of power. “In the collages, there are encounters between words or sentences that generate a certain instability of meaning. These language games have as their backdrop photographic images taken from books, newspapers and magazines, which reappear in a new context, subverting their meaning”.

Or not

OR NOT. Series of collages in which the crossing of texts and images are the protagonists.

the old valley. Finally, belonging to the Historical Archive of the Province, in room 14 of the Dionisi Palace, you can see a series of photographic reproductions of La Cañada, dating from December 1946. The images on display reflect the systematization of the La Cañada stream, its paving , drains and railing covering.

To visit
The samples can be visited until September 30, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free on Wednesdays, as in all provincial museums. The Dionisi Palace is located at Hipólito Yrigoyen 622.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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