positive change in jerusalem

In an increasingly polarized world, the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem (MOTJ) seeks to provide a space for dialogue and mutual understanding. Despite the challenges, museum director Jonathan Riss remains optimistic and hopes the space will foster tolerance, respect and diversity in today’s society.

Israel: a melting pot of cultures and challenges

Jerusalem is a complex city, where different ethnic and religious groups coexist. The MOTJ is tasked with addressing fissures in Israeli society, including tensions between Jews and Arabs, ultra-Orthodox and secular, and other subsets of the population.

The museum, which will partially open its doors on May 15, will offer exhibitions, lectures and artistic and cultural events that explore diversity and promote mutual understanding.. Its design and approach are based on the famous Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.a project of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

A photo exhibit marking Israel’s 75th anniversary at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, April 27, 2023. (Sue Surkes/Times of Israel)

Post-traumatic stress: the power of dialogue and understanding

The MOTJ will use advanced technologies, such as holograms and artificial intelligence, to provide interactive and personalized experiences for its visitors. These innovations aim to foster meaningful conversations about Jewish and universal valuesas well as visitors encouraged to reflect on local and global issues.

The museum will not limit itself to dealing with issues related to Israel, but will also include case studies of tolerance from around the world, highlighting the importance of accepting the other as an integral part of Jewish tradition.

Florida: an example of international support

MOTJ is supported by international donors, including many from the religious right of the American and Canadian Jewish map. The Republican Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is an example of the efforts made to ensure the success of this project and its contribution to the promotion of tolerance and diversity.

The Museum of Tolerance: a positive change in Jerusalem
Illustration of the pavilions that make up the People’s Journey at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem. (Yazdani Studio)

The MOTJ aspires to become a “people’s parliament” where people from all walks of life can participate. in open and honest conversations about issues that affect Israeli society and the world at large. Promoting diversity and mutual understanding is key to meeting the challenges of the 21st century and building a more tolerant and peaceful future for all.


The Jerusalem Tolerance Museum seeks to provide a space for dialogue and mutual understanding in a city characterized by diversity and social challenges. Supported by international donors and using state-of-the-art technologies, the museum aspires to become a “people’s parliament” where people from all walks of life can engage in open and honest conversations about issues that affect Israeli society and the world at large. Promoting diversity, respect and mutual understanding is key to meeting the challenges of the 21st century and building a more tolerant and peaceful future for all.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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