The Cañada de Agra campsite was the star of the Hellín plenary session

“Really, how I like interventions that stick to the subject.” This sentence was uttered yesterday, almost like a sigh, almost like an irony, by the mayor of Hellín, Ramón García, after the debate, the half-debate or rather the non-debate that took place in plenary on the draft modernization of Agra Canada Campsite.
This project has “slipped” onto the agenda under item 11, emergencies. As this is a commercial activity that will be subject to the regime of exploitation by concession of a public administration, it is mandatory that an economic feasibility study is presented to the municipal council, which was really what was happening during yesterday’s plenary session.
But the truth is that not much has been said about this study. First to speak was VOX Group adviser Raquel Tomás, who devoted most of her speech to responding to statements made on the radio by members of the government team, which she said were a unwarranted and gratuitous attack on its policy. training.
On behalf of the government team, the councilor for tourism, María Jesús López, started by defending the camping project but since this initiative is part of the tourism sustainability plan, valued at 3.5 million euros, she ended up talking more about the plan as a whole and the effort to find investors than for the Cañada de Agra project.
At this point, the debate became so entangled that when PP spokesman Manuel Serena took the floor, the first thing he did was to make it clear that he only wanted to talk about the project and nothing else. Concretely, his speech focused on a call for caution, asking that investment develop gradually, in phases.

(More information in the print edition or in the APP

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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