Aragonès steps on the accelerator –

The head of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonés, began last Tuesday the deployment of his proposal for clarity agreement to which, following the so-called Canadian way of Quebec, he intends to add a Catalan majority in favor of a referendum of self-determination agreed with the State. This is the president’s plan, an initiative that, as he moves forward, will put on the table in 2024 the government that emerges from the polls in the next general election. In his roadmap towards independence, it is the only possible plan to follow, to continue on what he defines as the “path of dialogue”, after a legislature during which the prisoners of the pigs were pardoned and the Penal Code was been reformed to eliminate the crime of sedition and amend embezzlement.
The initiative, according to the parameters of the ERC, will be developed throughout this year, with academic work and political, sectoral and citizen debates that come together in a proposal that aspires to be brought to the negotiating table with the central executive. However, it seems Perfect The president’s plan is born marked by the chimera, unless it saves the complete rejections that it has already garnered since its announcement even by the executive headed by Pedro Sánchez, which are added to that of other forces in the Parliament such as the PP and Vox and the suspicions of JxCAT and CUP.
However, Aragonès, who for the moment only has the support of clarity agreement of En Común Podem, must not only convince the central government that it must support this proposal, but also its former coalition partner in government and the cuperos, both of whom are reluctant to any approach involving negotiation with the state which they consider “a prank” and an absolute waste of time with no signs of success.
The president has, in relation to the challenge of achieving his objectives with the central government, the reference of this last legislature. ERC, as part of Sánchez’s investiture bloc, has achieved its main demands regarding the prisoners of the process, in addition to obtaining a reform of the Penal Code to suppress the crime of sedition and modify the crime of embezzlement that opens new judicial horizons for separatist leaders on the run.
In this context, the Republicans have always been clear when it comes to demanding a counterpart in exchange for their support for the initiatives of the executive. And they also now announce that their efforts continue to be directed towards an agreed self-determination consultation that confers the national and international legitimacy that a hypothetical declaration of independence would require.
Although Esquerra considers that the referendum of October 1, 2017 was a “collective exercise in peaceful and democratic disobedience”, those of Oriol Junqueras admit that this consultation had no international recognition, nor internal legitimacy among Catalans and that ‘She was not even related to a large part of the non-secessionist population, which is why the result could not be applied. For this reason, given the blockage of the rupturist strategy since then and the internal fracture of this movement, they have always opted since their arrival at the Generalitat for dialogue.

in Parliament

Aragonès has another open front in the Catalan Chamber, where the predictable rejection of constitutionalist forces such as the PSC, PP, Cs and Vox, also adds to the suspicion of his project in the independence bloc itself. “It’s a headlong rush after the failure of the dialogue table and it smacks of electoralism”, they point out from a JxCAT led by a Laura Borrás currently suspended from the presidency of Parliament for a legal case of corruption and of embezzlement.
“Aragonès’ proposal has no way if what he wants is to advance the process of self-determination,” said the CUP. The strategy, for the Cuperos, is to “force” the referendum, not to negotiate it, and to advance the process by defending the rights, that is to say unilaterally as in 2017.
With this opposition, the President will have to fully press the accelerator if he wants Parliament to validate his roadmap before elevating him to the dialogue table, which would only happen after the generals.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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