Mexico, the United States and Canada jointly condemn the coup attempt in Brazil

The presidents of the United States, Canada and Mexico will hold the X North American Leaders Summit on January 10. (Reuters // Presidency of Mexico)

As part of the X North American Leaders Summitthe governments of mexico united states (UNITED STATES) And Canada condemned the coup attempt in Brazil on January 8th.

In a joint statement issued by the government of Mexico, the three North American nations condemned the invasion by supporters of the former president, predecessor of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Jair Bolsonaro, to the districts of the Presidential Palace, Congress and the Supreme Court.

“Mexico, the United States and Canada condemn the January 8 attacks on Brazilian democracy and the peaceful transfer of power.

Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro invaded the districts of the Presidential Palace, Congress and the Supreme Court. (REUTERS/Antonio Cascio)

It was on the afternoon of January 8 when radical groups broke into government buildings as part of their demand for a military “intervention” to overthrow Lula Da Silva. Note that extremists had camped outside the army headquarters in Brasilia since the day after the October 30 elections, in which the left defeated Bolsonaro.

In view of this, Mexico, the United States and Canada reiterated their support for the Federative Republic of Brazil in safeguarding its democratic institutions, as well as the “free will of the Brazilian people”.

Finally, the document expressed interest in working with Lula da Silva to “conform to our countries, the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world.”

It should be noted that during his morning press conference, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), recognized the solidarity that his counterparts Joe Biden, from the United States, and Justin Trudeauof Canada, also voiced Lula Da Silva, along with other leaders from Latin America and around the world.

“Virtually all the countries of the world have expressed their rejection of the anti-democratic attitude and in favor of President Lula (…) It is very satisfying that the solidarity does not come only from the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean “, said the Palacio National.

The three North American nations condemned the attack by Bolsonaro sympathizers. (Government of Mexico)

López Obrador tagged as “reprehensible and undemocratic” the violent intrusion of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro into government buildings in Brasilia. This, coupled with an acid criticism of the radicals:

“The attempted putsch of the Brazilian conservatives pushed by the leaders of the oligarchic power, their spokespersons and their fanatics. Lula is not aloneHe has the support of progressive forces in his country, Mexico, the Americas and the world,” he wrote on his Twitter account. Twitter.

For his part, Joe Biden declared that the situation in the South American country was “scandalous” and reiterated his support for Lula Da Silva, as well as for “Brazil’s democratic institutions”: “The will of the Brazilian people must not not be mined. I hope to continue working with Lula,” he said.

Similarly, Justin Trudeau supported the progressive left and joined in the condemnations of the “violent behavior” observed on Sunday afternoon: “Respect for the democratic will of the people is paramount in any democracy, including in Brazil” , he cut short in a job.


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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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