Empty premises in the heart of the historic center of La Paz – El Sudcaliforniano

La Paz, Baja California Sur, (OEM-Informex) many of these commercial premises, businesses and local businesses have begun to decline due to sales issues stemming from the three most common problems: The problem of having to pay too much in terms of rent , a very high consumption in electricity bills and a parking problem that has kept our citizens of La Paz away from approaching the city center.

To these three main problems is added the lack of security in this district, in addition to the lack of lighting in the city center, which makes it increasingly dangerous to walk in the heart of the historic center, especially in the months when 6 am. In the afternoon it is already dark and this gives walkers fear and a certain insecurity.

At the start of the pandemic, it was more evident that these empty premises represented acts of vandalism and crime, full of graffiti, natural deterioration and caused by these criminals who love foreign ownership, insecurity invaded the city center , the growth of empty premises has caused many businesses to close their doors.

In this year 2022, a few months before the start of a new year 2023, some local merchants have tried to reopen their businesses in the same place where they operated and even in new places in the city center to re-emerge in their sales and businesses. , however this new blow of a global economic crisis where inflation continues to raise the prices of the most basic products, has made it impossible to pay rents in the city center, in addition to all the services involved in the operation of the business, especially given the revenue if service electricity high.

Unfortunately, our heart of the historic center, which is the first face that we give to foreign, national, local and tourist tourism, is seriously affecting the sales of many of our traders who clearly subsist in the presence of relentless inflation in the economy of The peace.

Other companies have said that they are trying to survive and sustain themselves in the face of this economic situation, but some companies that are mainly customers say that sales are resurfacing, as well as they hope that the situation will improve for us all who live in the city of La Paz.

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Walking through the city center one can perceive a rather regrettable absence of closed businesses, empty premises and other abuses due to the deterioration of a long period without service, in addition to the damage caused to these businesses where criminals have plundered what they could.

Traders ask the authorities to offer them a little more security in their businesses and premises with walks or police patrols, surveillance, lighting, among other requests to continue to build local commerce in the city of La Paz, more precisely in the city center.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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