Dominican government appreciates President Biden’s recognition of the fight against corruption

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Government, through the Director General of Ethics and Government Integrity (DIGEIG), Milagros Ortiz Boschthanked the gesture of the President of the United States, Joseph Bidento recognize the country’s progress in the fight against corruption and assured that this achievement is the result of the political will of the Government of President Luis Abinader of support the full independence of the judiciary and depoliticize the powers of the state.

He affirmed that the recognition of the President of the United States, “It constitutes a reiteration of the reasons that led to the appointment of the General Directorate of Ethics and Government Integrity to lead, together with the Republic of Kosovo, the Democracy Summit cohort dedicated to justice, in as a pillar of democracy.”

Stating at a press conference held at the National Palace, the official added that these are the same reasons as the Anti-Corruption Capacity Index (CCC), “by publishing our progress in strengthening the fight against corruption over the past two years”.

“The same that Transparency International has recognized as the only country on the continent to have gained transparency during the pandemic and to maintain this constant rate of growth.”remarked Ortiz Bosch.

He also cited the organization’s statement international IDEA valuing the democratic sustainability of the Dominican Republic.

The former Vice-President of the Republic underlined the transformation of ethics commissions into Government Integrity and Regulatory Compliance Commissionsborn with the Decree No. 791-21 of President Luis Abinader, quoted by President Biden during his speech at the Summit of Democracy.

He said the US president had referred to the first hundred Commissions elected in a democratic process, in October 2022to act in the public offices in which all the ministries, general directorates and control agencies of the Dominican Republic are included, as an instrument for the prevention of corruption today established in the public administration, managing their Risk maps, integrity policy and work on the national anti-corruption plan.

“It is the transformation that friendly nations value and to which President Biden referred when he recognized that following the rules, all the regulations of public administration, is the best strategy to prevent and combat corruption. corruption.” .

highlighted the “Reports by country” of the Anti-corruption conventions both Organization of American Statessince the The United Nations. “Precisely today, we completed the evaluation of the OAS-appointed experts from Costa Rica and Ecuador.” to review this convention, said Ortiz Bosch.

“These are also the results with which risk rating agencies assess the Dominican Republic, since honesty, compliance with public administration standards and transparency are fundamental values ​​for public or private, national or foreign investments. “, accurate.

said that “The achievement that today is recognized worldwide through the Summit for Democracy, is the result of the political will of the government of President Luis Abinader who, since his first day, has worked to depoliticize and give full independence to the powers of the state, in particular the judicial system, within the framework of the model of development of democracy that we are building together and that our vice-president, Raquel Peña, has correctly expressed in her appearance”.

“A year ago they chose the Dominican Republic, and together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DIGEIG, evaluating the assigned theme ‘People-Centred Justice’, we decided to work from the universal vision that characterized the Democracy Summit with the Republic of Kosovo, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States”.

“As we promote the proposal of the Dominican Republic of the main actors of justice who could inspire a future dialogue based on their experiences and in collaboration with public authorities: legislative (Chamber of Deputies and Senate of the Republic), judicial (Court Supreme Justice and Attorney General of the Republic) and the Executive, in its highest instances, accompanied by academies, civil society, the productive sector and the Office of the Public Defender, essential to design a justice centered on people , integrated into the work tables, in 13 meetings, we created the Dominican commitment to its vision of justice, which is presented in the official document of the Summit for Democracy that we are delivering today in this press conference’ ‘.

Dr. Ortiz Bosch appreciated President Biden’s opinion, outlined during his presentation at the Democracy Summit on the Rule of law and people-centred justice, after recognizing the Dominican Republic for the prevention and fight against corruption.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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