AMLO and Justin Trudeau reduce their disagreements on energy issues

Several issues were on the table during the bilateral meeting held between the head of the Canadian government and the Mexican head of state. Among them, the disagreements between Mexico City and Ottawa on the new energy policy promoted by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In this sense, the United States and Canada do not welcome this initiative. Last year, they began formal consultations under the USMCA treaty on this issue. According to these nations, it favors local businesses over private investment.

And it is that the strengthening of Mexican state enterprises can be considered one of the cornerstones of the AMLO administration. As an example, we can cite the priority of the state company CFE, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, concerning the connection to the national electricity grid over private companies, which makes Trudeau and Biden point to this type of action. as discriminating against their businesses, which violates the Tripartite Trade Pact.

Among other issues, the issue of Canadian mining companies was not left out. López Obrador has repeatedly criticized an alleged non-payment of taxes on their part, allocations to indigenous communities, an issue in which the two politicians signed pledges on their rights and environmental damage.

Positive results

At the end of the meeting, Obrador and Trudeau presented their thoughts on the meeting. According to the Canadian, AMLO “has been very receptive to the good work that Canadian companies and Canadians in general are doing in the fight against climate change and the protection of the environment”, for which he promised to work very closely with Canada.

According to the Prime Minister, the meeting followed up on conversations held in 2021 where the fact that an investment in renewable energy in Mexico would be positive for the environment and the economy of this country was highlighted.

For his part, López Obrador promised to meet with Canadian business leaders who would present any disagreements. Furthermore, he ratified that he will work to ensure that energy sector reforms in his country benefit both nations.

With Reuters, EFE and local media

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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