Approximately one million Canadian tourists arrived in the Dominican Republic in 2022

The information was offered by the Consul General of Canada in the DR, Collin Holditch, who said that tourists regularly visit the tourist areas in the North and East, specifically Punta Cana.

“The pandemic has obviously had an effect, but every year the number of Canadians visiting the country increases, and now that we’ve come out of the pandemic, we’re seeing that increase continue, so we expect that at over the next three years, that’s more than one million Canadian tourists a year,” he said.

He added that there are hotels with Canadian investments and there are many small businesses, especially in the North, according to Acento.

It is recalled that in the tourism statistics for January, presented by the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur), it details that of the 7,165,387 tourists who arrived in the Dominican Republic by plane during the year 2022, 15.87% came from the Canada; only surpassed by the United States, which accounted for 32.39%.

In addition, at the beginning of February this year, the Dominican government signed a new air transport agreement with Canada, one of the “open skies” which will allow the expansion of existing operations between the two states, in the goal of increasing tourism, trade and connectivity.

Fountain: Arecoa

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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