Del Prete meets US companies – Diario de Querétaro

In 2022, he invested $290 million as is, by companies the United Statess of America; he 32.5% of companies installed in the entity are from the neighboring country, according to information from the Economics Secretary.

Between the main elements Among the North American companies established in the entity and in the country, those dedicated to automotive parts manufacturing, those related to real estate transactions and those who lend professional and consulting services.

The holder of the Sustainable Development Secretariat (SEDESU), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero, met Representatives of American companies to show you the competitive advantages of our state.

The state official explained the competitive advantages of the entity to the businessmen, as well as the abilities with whom we count to draw attention to new investment projects.

Among the elements that Third Prete presented to businessmen is the skilled laborwith a growing airport, with serviceswith a very robust educational system, health, quality of life, safety and infrastructure.

The meeting was co-hosted by the Government Representative Office in Mexico City and US Mexico Foundation.

You may be interested to read: Canadian state enterprises grow 5.6%: Sedesu

In addition to the head of SEDESU, the director of United States-Mexico Foundation, Enrique Perret; the representative of the government of the State of Querétaro in Mexico, Paloma Palacios González; the president of Coparmex Querétaro, Jorge Camacho Ortega and the director of industrial development, Alejandro Sterling Sánchez.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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