Canadian Vampire will advise police officers in Guadalajara to deal with gangs

Not teaching them how to get their hands dirty in the face of criminals? That would make more sense, considering the Canadian Vampire is a master at it (he’s a Krav Maga instructor)…but no: he’ll teach the cops in Guadalajara how to deal with the capricious chaviza.

And does it taste like that? Good…minimal, we see that the neighborhood is not lacking.


After learning that the ex-wrestler was going to “train” the municipal police, the mayor of Guadalajara, Pablo Lemus, clarified that the bisne was not like that. what will it do the vampire will be advising on anti-gang issues.

For this approach with young people if you are definitely qualifiedbut for police training, of course, the Vampire does not have the profile or the knowledge »Lemus explained.

According to the mayor of Guadalajara, what will be sought with the formation of the Canadian Vampire is that those in uniform have tools to approach young people and thus be able to send them to work in the background in neighborhoods that have “more needs” (and surely those who have the most fights with the gangs).

Photo: @vampiro_vampiro

As indicated Process, the hiring of the Canadian Vampire has been happening since last October. However, it has been a controversial issue in recent days because the Guadalajara police complained about not receiving a pay raise… Well, because there is no varus. Ahhh, but you had to pay the ex-wrestler 290,000 pesos to train 100 elements.

Another who explained the hiring of the Canadian vampire was the representative of the requesting area of ​​​​the Guadalajara police station. This one said that the pankration idol will only advise 100 cops, since they will be “replicators” of the teachings.

Photo: @vampiro_vampiro

Curious thing: According to the official, the Canadian vampire will teach the police to put their hands in emergency situations. Urgent: “The police have received many direct attacks and we urgently need training in this regard”, explained the representative of the requesting area.

This is not the first time that the Canadian Vampire will provide training to police officers. In fact, Pablo Lemus recalled that when he governed in Zapopan, he also helped him in this area. And we can see that he liked the job: recently, the current mayor met the ex-wrestler.


In 2014, we learn that the ex-wrestler offered self-defense lessons to the police of Tlalnepantla, in the State of Mexico. You certainly couldn’t find a better option for it: besides being a fighter, the vampire has been a bodyguard for a pop band, a hockey player in the Ontario league, a singer for the gothic metal band Droch Fhoula and journalist for the program. Extraordinary...

Oh it’s also DJ and instructor of the KMFORCE system, which is Krav Maga for the police.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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