AMLO will receive Canadian companies

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The president assured that he had denounced to Prime Minister Trudeau the fraud suffered by the Caisse de depot et placement du Québec company.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated that he will meet with businessmen from the Canadian energy sector, although he accused them of simulation and judicial fraud.

During the morning press conference, Lopez Obrador mentioned at the bottom of fund investments of Deposit And placement of Quebec which in 2017 acquired eight wind and solar power generation projects from the Enel Italian.

According Lopez Obradorthere canadian company received a self-supply permit which “according to the law are illegal, it is legal fraud he even solved it Supreme Court”.

In fact, he accused the company of not being careful and even partnered with the Mexican oxxo, that it has continued to attack for its electricity self-supply system.

“It’s not self-supply because they do not generate energy for Canadian companies that have the permit. But they pretend because supposedly oxxo and all that companies hold shares in a dollar, a complete simulation”, assured Lopez Obrador.

“So,” he continued, “we can’t maintain this anymore, we have to find a solution because it’s illegal.”

Fortunately, he noted Lopez Obrador, “he Minister (Justin) Trudeau He understands these things, he is a good person, we have already explained to him and he already understands what it is about”.

“And, despite this, I made a commitment to receive the leaders of these companies and to find a solution, an outcome that does not harm them because these companies collect money from pension funds,” he said. he concluded. Lopez Obrador.

For Raul Castro Lebrija

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Shawn Jacobs

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